Browsers have always supported built-in names like aliceblue as well.Īlong the way, we’ll encounter use of some color syntaxes provided by a new Level 4 of the CSS Colors Module. The functions and notations for these are rgb(), rgba(), #rgb/ #rrggbb, #rgba/ #rrggbbaa, hsl(), and hsla(). Modern browsers currently support the color spaces RGB(A), hex, and HSL(A). In this article, we’ll study functions that will be useful for converting both opaque and alpha-enabled color values. I used arrays of emojis arranged by brightness and saturation, and they were HSL-based for the best matches of average pixel colors with the emojis. A challenge I faced in building an image “emojifier” was that I needed to change the color spaces of values obtained using getImageData() from RGB to HSL.